$query = "SELECT * FROM movies ORDER BY bookings_open DESC";
$result = mysqli_query($db->db_connect(), $query);
db_connect(), $locations_sql);
$linkString = '';
$shows_arr = array();
while ($location = mysqli_fetch_array($location_result)) {
$date = date_create($location['addshowdate']);
if (array_key_exists($location['location'], $shows_arr)) {
$shows_arr[$location['location']] = $shows_arr[$location['location']] . "
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } else { $shows_arr[$location['location']] = "
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } $linkString .= "
" . $location['location'] . "
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } $count--; if ($count == 0) $class_tag = 'movie last'; else $class_tag = 'movie'; ?>
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } else { $shows_arr[$location['location']] = "
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } $linkString .= "
" . $location['location'] . "
" . date_format($date, 'D d M Y') . " - " . $location['morning'] . ""; } $count--; if ($count == 0) $class_tag = 'movie last'; else $class_tag = 'movie'; ?>
1. Customer information provided during book will be stored and used for providing updates about Upcoming events/movies 2. During the ticket booking process, apart from movie ticket price – additional processing fee is charged to the customer which is based on price per seat. Processing Fee is charged based on movie ticket price 3. All tickets booked under website are non-refundable 4. Incase of any issues with tickets/prices or seat numbers – kindly request to contact the Movie Exhibitor of your region. 5. For Technical problem – contact our Team via whatsapp